Fischer-Vroni Beer Hall
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The company "fisch winter kg" was founded in the year 1914 by karl winter in Munich and ranked among the long-established and was widely known among circle of experts of fish wholesales in Bavaria. sea fish, fine fish, freshwater fish, cured fish, salted herrings and marinades were sold. karl winter supplied his customers with a pushcart and was Munich’s first fish wholesale. he opened up a retail store together with his wife philippine, the "sendlinger fischhalle" in münchen-untersendling at the intersection alramstrasse / aberlestrasse (today hl-market).
Karl winter offered "steckerlfische" (smoked mackerels) from the grill first-time at the wiesn, which immediatly obtained rapid sales. the two daughters of karl and philippine winter, anita (age-group 1932) and eva (age-group 1935), grew up from an early age with the wiesn business and the fish market. so they learned the fish business from the ground up. the two lively sisters were called "fisch-marie" in the school, because the smell of fish stuck to them.
The tent burned down during the second world war. however, karl winter already had a fish snack wagon from 1948 on at the folk festivals in germering and oberstimm and planned to raise something bigger in the food and beverage industry. he obtained the license to start the fischer-vroni at the munich oktoberfest, because he was an expert and he counted as a respectable man, as anitas younger sister eva stadtmüller could remember: "my father was "landesfachschaftsleiter" for the distribution of fish in bavaria. no one got a pound of fish from him without a food ration card during the war."
Eva winter married the retailer hans stadtmüller and gave birth to the children hans and silvia. the son hans stadtmüller is today`s inkeeper "festwirt" of the fischer-vroni at the Munich Oktoberfest. anita winter married fritz rettenmeier and gave birth to the two children karl and kornelia.
Early 1973 the two Munich fish wholesales fisch winter kg and m. stadtmüller merged. both undertakings assumed that in light of the concentration on all trade levels only one wholesale could provide its customers the services, which the then market required. new proprietress of the company, which is administrated by both the executives fritz rettenmeier and hans stadtmüller, was philippine winter, the widow of karl winter, who was known in the Munich region as "fischer-vroni".
In 1986 the company fisch winter kg was sold to the deutsche see, incl. motor pool and customer base. 1998 a change of location on the theresienwiese was necessary due to fire protection instructions. with the change of location, the tent was expanded simultaneously and since then it offers 700 more seatings. in 1999 the two fischer-vroni landlords anita schmid and her sister eva stadtmüller celebrated their 50th anniversary on the Munich Oktoberfest.